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The Gary Project
Luchina Fisher, Director


Gender Without Identity:
Estelle Shane and Stacy Berlin interview Avgi Saketopoulou and Ann Pellegrini , Psychoanalytic Inquiry

Gender, Binding, and the Sexual: Erotic Countertransference in the Work with a Trans Female Patient
Sexual and Gender Diversity Committee, International Psychoanalytical Association
"Resistance to differences: Working psychoanalytically with gender diversity and sexualities"
London: Routledge


In, Hélène Tessier and Alberto Luchetti (Eds), Laplanche Revisited
The International Psychoanalytical Association Psychoanalytic Ideas and Applications Series
London: Routledge


Risking Sexuality Beyond Consent: Overwhelm and Traumatisms That Incite
German translation by Bernd Heimerl
Psychosocial Publishing


Interview with Avgi Saketopoulou
In Batista-Thomas, B. (forthcoming). Readings of Jean Laplanche in Process: Conversations Amplifying Differences.
NY: Routledge.


Book Review, "What Nazism Did to Psychoanalysis" by Laurence Kahn
Psychoanalytic Quarterly

Saketopoulou, A. & Pellegrini, A. (2024). Gender, Trauma, and Intergenerational Transmission.
In Kammerer, D. (Ed.) Social Change in Psychoanalysis.

Sissy Dance 1$: the More and More of Gender
Hansbury, G. & Saketopoulou, A.
In Vanessa Sinclair, Elisabeth Punzi, and Myriam Sauer (Eds). The Queerness of Psychoanalysis: From Freud and Lacan to Laplanche and Beyond.
London: Routledge


Jordan Osserman interviews Chris Coffman, Patricia Gherovici, and Avgi Saketopoulou 
In the Baraitser, L. and Quagliata, E. (Eds)
Intolerance to the Feminine: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspectives
IPA Publications


Roula Hajjar and Safia Albaiti interview Avgi Saketopoulou on her Div. 39 keynote, Exigent  Sadism: The Risk and the Ruse 

 © 2020 Avgi Saketopoulou. All rights reserved.

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